Land of the (Sorta) Free (from July 6, 2017)
I used to think that personal freedoms ended where somebody else's begin. Like, I can smoke a cigar (which I find rather barfy, actually) unless I'm standing in the vicinity of another who would rather not be experiencing it in a second hand way.
That's pretty narrow. What about when I smoke a bunch of cigars at one time, or for a lifetime, resulting in sickness that requires medical attention? Am I free to do that, or do I have responsibility to my family, friends and employer to take better care of myself?
E pluribus unum. From many, one. The unofficial motto of the United States reminds us of the bigger picture. We are individuals with great freedoms, but the question and debate shouldn't be about where those freedoms end...but, about what the purpose of being free really is.
What you choose to do in your personal freedom affects the larger whole, and you are not free to disregard that.
I realize that the Biblical connection to this is normally about the Body of Christ, and that there is "one body with many parts" (1 Corinthians 12), and that we may not belittle or mistreat other parts of that body. I also know many would say that Christians shouldn't expect the rest of the world to operate that way.
Dear friends, I don't expect the fallen world to behave according to God's design, but should that stop us from striving to follow the best model out there? The model given and demonstrated by God Himself? "Love your neighbor" hasn't been revoked, revised or limited in some new way, has it? The God of the Bible wants His church to live out this calling...even in a world that doesn't recognize His voice.
Love is sometimes reduced to caring FOR the neighbor in times of need. But, caring ABOUT your neighbor also makes sense. How do your seemingly personal choices affect others? How do you as individuals impact the group or community?
Being free gives you the opportunity to love. In the land of the free, be brave enough to care for and about your neighbor. It's practically a revolutionary concept once again.
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