Forests and Trees (from February, 2017)
I’m okay with dreams. I’m okay with the grandiose,
head-in-the-clouds optimism of the perpetually young-at-heart and hopeful. I
admire those who think they can change the world, because you know what? Maybe
they can. So what if they try, and fail? At least they tried. At least there
was a chance.
But, every dream starts somewhere smaller than the full
reality. Every forest starts with a tree. And, one tree has value, even if it’s
not part of a larger configuration of vegetation.
These existential thoughts come to mind as I see our nation
torn. The Presidential election is behind us, but many questions remain in
front of us. Let’s be mindful of the little things.
I admit to not paying attention to all things political. I
don’t know all the reasons people love or hate President Obama. I believe that
he desired and aspired to do good things. I just think that he & Michelle
and others like them, could find themselves doing powerful things as normal
citizens. He could just show up somewhere…some neighborhood or city…and make a
huge difference – in one place at a time.
This is where seeing the trees instead of the forest can be
okay. The dream of affecting a whole nation, or a planet is great! But, even in
the Great Commission from Jesus’ own lips, His followers are sent first to
Jerusalem (Sturgeon Bay)… then Judea (Door County), Samaria (Kewaunee County)
and beyond.
“Where do we start this HUGE TASK, Jesus?” Where do we start
telling and loving? Right here. Start where you are. Start with the seemingly
insignificant. Start with a seed. There's so much to do that it can be
overwhelming unless we break it down to a per-tree level...unless we make it
about a person, a family, or a neighborhood.
We hear at times how we can’t or aren’t seeing “the forest
for the trees.” That is, we don’t see the bigger picture or the greater good,
and get bogged down by the parts of the whole. But, looking at too much can be
overwhelming, and it’s okay to let God be the God of all creation, while each
of us deals with the smaller gardens that He’s entrusted to our particular
Forest: Jesus Christ was sent and given up to death for the
sins of the whole world – of all space and time.
Tree: Jesus Christ had dinner with sinners, drew close to the sick and defended the accused.
Tree: Jesus Christ had dinner with sinners, drew close to the sick and defended the accused.
Tree: My neighbor 2 doors down needs somebody to shovel her
driveway in the winter, and to check in on her once in a while.
Go ahead with your pie in the sky, but baking a pie for the
neighbor without a working kitchen should be where you start.
Go ahead and dream of what could be. But, don’t wait for all
the pieces to fit just right. Chasing that glimmer of hope can begin as a
sparkle in your neighbor’s eye when you care for the needs of their body or
In the name and the Spirit of Jesus!
Pastor James Gomez
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