Thursday, March 8, 2018

When You Have Eaten

When does the “thanks” part come in? Maybe more importantly to consider: When does it stop? When is thanksgiving done?

Many traditions feature a few moments of recognition…naming the tangible and spiritual blessings that come to mind before diving into dinner. At some point, when it’s time to eat, the family looks like they’ve been deprived of food for weeks. Soon enough, the animal that gave his life for a few is no longer recognizable…his turkey-ness is gone.

Look, the turkey starts off running around the farm until he gets his head chopped off and dies. Still a turkey? Oh, yes. Feathers next. Still a turkey? Yep. Guts – gone. Still a turkey. You go to the store to buy, “a turkey.” You cook, “the turkey.” You eat, “the turkey.”

But, after supper, it’s, “the carcass.” His turkey-ness is gone.

And, so often…the “thanks” part of Thanksgiving goes the way of the turkey.

Where does our praise and thanksgiving go after the Thanksgiving Service? Why do our hearts, that feels so full in that moments before feasting, find itself empty again? For other gifts we receive, where does the hand-written or heart-felt thank-you go after the gift has been opened…or eaten? “Thank you” comes easily in that moment we open the gift and first hold that special token of love. It’s just that sometimes, after we’ve received, we forget.

The Biblical book of Deuteronomy 8:10 says, “When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord…”

This serves as a reminder to do the thing we don’t do naturally. The thing we neglect when our bellies are full. It’s an appeal to not only count your blessings as we usually do, but to also recount them – remember them and tell the story of God’s goodness and grace, even after the turkey is long gone.

Happy Thanksgiving! And, remember: Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

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